Thursday, 11 June 2009

Great quotes from panel discussion

Kriss Akabussi
'In school they said I was hard to ignore but well worth the effort – I managed nine no levels.'
'My mentor said: a path is for reference not for residence.'
'When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears.'
'I’m not defined by this... there is more... the universe inside me is far greater than what’s outside.'
David Puttnam
'My greatest incentive was the boss who said "your job is to amaze me".'
'I have always worked with pyramids of trust - we all depended on each other in my work.'
'We all love the message that being true to principles can bring rewards.'
'I could always hear the story of the film – when I lost that I looked for a new challenge.'
Kelly Holmes
'The journey makes or breaks you.'
'How do school leaders mark their successes - without a podium?'
'I was consumed with hope for my destiny.'
'I ask myself, why shouldn’t I move forward and go for the next step? Don’t give up at a barrier.'

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