Thursday, 11 June 2009

Free the Children

Marc Kielburger of Free the Children spoke about their work as 'children helping children through education'.

He told the audience that many children across the world are forced or tricked into labour - an estimated 55 million in India alone and 250 million around the world, some in carpet or firework making. His message was thought provoking - in the US, 17 billion dollars is spent each year on pet products whereas only 15 billion would raise every child out of poverty.

Young people are helping by raising money to build and renovate schools and working on clean water projects. The work is done through projects and advocates who work in schools to encourage involvement. Free the Children works with Oprah Winfrey on an Ambassodors Programme and takes young volunteers oversees to work. These trips leave students feeling empowered and raises self esteem as well as helping children in the third world.

Marc talked about our responsibility in raising socially conscious children and recommended we all listen to children when they say that they want to help. We can support them by not protecting them from the major issues in the world. We should also celebrate heroes, investigate where clothes come from, where food is grown, teach empathy and humanise poverty. In summary, 'show kids the world, help them to help'.

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